UN Agency for Children (UNICEF) for the first time publish vaccine prices set by pharmaceutical companies. This policy was taken UNICEF with the aim of creating a climate of increasing competition in the financing.
On Friday (28/05/2010), UNICEF launched its official website the original price offered by any pharmaceutical company for the purchase of 16 types of vaccines in the last decade. This step is clearly not in line with the policy of some Western pharmaceutical companies.
Novartis AG and Merck & Co., for example, sells only one of many children's vaccines to UNICEF. They were then both denied the tariffs that have been released about it.
On Friday (28/05/2010), UNICEF launched its official website the original price offered by any pharmaceutical company for the purchase of 16 types of vaccines in the last decade. This step is clearly not in line with the policy of some Western pharmaceutical companies.
Novartis AG and Merck & Co., for example, sells only one of many children's vaccines to UNICEF. They were then both denied the tariffs that have been released about it.
As the largest buyer of products for immunization programs, UNICEF plans to continue this policy of transparency to the next purchase, in the hope that this effort will encourage pharmaceutical companies lowered the price of the vaccine. That way, UNICEF can improve immunization coverage to more children in the world and save more lives.
"Transparency will also help develop a competitive climate, with a more diverse suppliers," said Shanelle Hall, Director of UNICEF Supply Division. He also noted, this policy will help UNICEF and partners in the countries that buy vaccines for their interests in order to better take the right decisions in negotiating with pharmaceutical companies.
Last year, UNICEF spent U.S. $ 757 million to provide 2.5 billion doses of vaccines to 99 countries, or reaches 58 percent of children in the world.
In the price list released by UNICEF shows that there are significant disparities. In it appears that Western pharmaceutical companies often give double the price to UNICEF rather than the companies in India and Indonesia.
Prices continued to increase vaccine alone in the last decade, with vaccines for measles, polio, and tetanus rise until doubled between 2001 and 2010. Meanwhile, prices for some types of vaccines are relatively stable, even there is also declining due to the emergence of new players on the market.
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