Health News

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Treat Ulcer with Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is more traditionally known for its benefits for hair care and reduce the itching on the scalp. Not only that, this slimy plant also has benefits for treating ulcers. 

Ulcer or gastric ulcer is a symptom of a disease that attacks the stomach due to injury or inflammation that causes heartburn and tenderness in the abdomen. Many drugs can relieve ulcer symptoms quickly, but most do not solve problems that occur in the stomach. 

LIVESTRONG Launched on Thursday (12/01/2011), aloe vera leaves are fleshy and issued a bitter liquid is best used as a wound healer and skin conditions. Aloe vera juice can also be used as a treatment for digestive disorders. 

Aloe vera contains key elements such as aloin, aloin-emodin, resin, tannins and polysaccharides. In addition, aloe vera is also offering 19 amino acids, 20 minerals and 12 vitamins are essential for health. 

American Chronicle also add that Aloe vera contains an amino acid, methionine, threonine, serine and molybdenum, which work together to detoxify heavy metals and additional aid in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. This can prevent the stack of fat in the liver and arteries.
Aloe vera juice has antimicrobial effects and heal the digestive tract lining. Can also reduce inflammation, peptic ulcers are caused by acids, alcohol, aspirin and other drugs. 

Prescription for Herbal Healing book states that studies show that aloe vera juice to heal ulcers. This makes the researchers really recommend aloe vera for anti-ulcer drug. 

In addition, the Journal of the American Osteopathic Society, reported that the effectiveness of aloe vera as an ulcer healing due to their ability to stimulate the release of pepsin, the gastric enzyme that supports the digestive system. 

Dr. James F. Balch, author of Prescription for Natural Cures advised to drink a quarter cup of aloe vera juice three times a day to be able to heal the ulcer. 

But he also warned that pregnant women, menstruation, the pill and breast-feeding should avoid taking aloe vera. Aloe vera juice also should not be consumed in the long term because it can lead to depletion of electrolytes.


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